

So is anyone else into succulents too? I realized I frag my succulents too. Right now, I have a tiny little tree-like succulent and it was beautiful maybe 8-9 months ago. But I fragged it and the parent grew out sideways more (as the smaller growth was towards the bottom). So it got really wide and spread out and not so pretty. But now the core has growth again and it's going to be a beautiful succulent soon after more grow out and removing the lower limbs that widened it.

Here it was before I started fragging it:


It now has many babies and looks like:

The other interesting aspect that seems to parallel corals is that in different environments, the same plant grows differently. Some of the babies were grown outside on our back steps (2nd floor, so gets chilly with the winds). The outside children are more beefy -- thick and squat compared to the parent plant.
Lithops are one of my favorites too:


I've got some seeds to try growing them but haven't got around to it yet :). I like that they seem to be hard to kill. Although I got some from Home Depot that I accidentally seem to have killed off by not transplanting them soon enough. The ones above are from a seller at the Ashby BART flea market.
Lmao about the cell phones. I love succulents and specially during the drought they're very easy. I have a huge succulent garden in a wheelbarrow that has over grown now.

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