High Tide Aquatics

Save your pennies! Coral Farmer's Market!

One of those containers you use for curing your rock should work. Just need a forklift to bring it with u!

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Feb... hmm maybe I can work all the kinks out on my frag tank, maybe even plumb it up proper style with an overflow and hope the side is tempered...
I know right! Since we're putting together an under the sea themed baby room, I already told the wife that a coral show seems appropriate for the baby's first outing. =);)
The great thing is that @Ashalye is game to go depending on the baby's arrival time. Hope he's not late.
Hehehe, take it from experience she is going to be fighting too desires. Either 1) The "I am so tired, I can't do anything" desire, or 2) "I'm so tired of being cooped up in this house I gotta get out" desire. The 2nd desire will be there, it's just a matter of when.

Either way, good luck :D