Neptune Aquatics

Anyone try the WWC Monthly Coral Subscription?

Jerry and I won 2 subscriptions at RAP, one silver and one gold, we enjoyed the surprise. The coral was shipped great and with a 2 week guarantee. We actually have had ZERO die offs. You tell them the type of corals you like and they ship from those types. I will post pics of the card. You also get swap too. Shirts, stickers towels etc...
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Some nice ones in there, illuminati is a score. Bruce, I just picked up a 5 polyp illuminati and will probably frag it before the next cfm
Actually I am thinking of doing a battle box from battle coral, I get to choose type and probably some colors etc. the guy generally reach out and customize on case by case basis
Just got the order in. Stuff is temp acclimating now so I haven't seen the actual frags yet, but they look to be of good size.

Here;s what the sent:

1) WWC Dragon Slayer
2) WWC Blueberry
3) WWC Hippie Juice
4) WWC Space Invader Chalice
5) WWC Sunfire Grafted Cap

Looking through those on WWC's site they add up to $710.00 at their retail. So that goes into the plus column as a great deal. However, looking at the actual frags there was onl;y one that was on my list of things to buy (I'd almost ordered one a number of times) and that wasn't an acro -- it was the grafted sunfire. The other's I'm not all that enamored of although I'm curious to see how the Blueberry looks as it gets a bit bigger. It appears to be a deeper water, thin-skinned acro and might be a nice addition to the tank. So overall -- I wouldn't put the selection in athe plus column, but maybe neutral?

However, looking at the corals and the retail I could easily sell the other three at about half or less of WWC's prices and break even and get to keep two corals, a shirt, a coral glue, coral dip, , and a big container of carbon that was also in the box.
Well I'd definitely take the $710 valuation with a grain of salt considering all the corals are "WWC" mean they are self named by them, and as a result the value is whatever they feel like the value is.

That said, ultimately if you like the corals it's worth it. Looking at the pictures, they all look nice on the WWC page, but then again they make them look nice for the page :D

I like the way their dragon slayer colony looks (FB page), but they say it's taken under actinics only, and it's very obviously "white balanced" which makes it fake AF since that's not the color it would look like to your eye, but I wouldn't pay $120 for a frag of it either :D The Hippy Juice one looks kind of cool as a colony, branches seem very close and fused together almost, not sure if that's more of a tabling feature or just a bush.
I have looked at the dragon slayer before. If you sell it let me know. I finding it hilarious they charge like $175 for the space invader chalice that we all give each other for free.
It is funny, in all these years, I have never bought a coral online.
I have bought fish, inverts, plants, and a ton of gear, but not coral.
Not like I am adamantly against it or anything.
I guess I just like browsing at LFS, or mooching off other BAR members.
Just got the order in. Stuff is temp acclimating now so I haven't seen the actual frags yet, but they look to be of good size.

Here;s what the sent:

1) WWC Dragon Slayer
2) WWC Blueberry
3) WWC Hippie Juice
4) WWC Space Invader Chalice
5) WWC Sunfire Grafted Cap

Looking through those on WWC's site they add up to $710.00 at their retail. So that goes into the plus column as a great deal. However, looking at the actual frags there was onl;y one that was on my list of things to buy (I'd almost ordered one a number of times) and that wasn't an acro -- it was the grafted sunfire. The other's I'm not all that enamored of although I'm curious to see how the Blueberry looks as it gets a bit bigger. It appears to be a deeper water, thin-skinned acro and might be a nice addition to the tank. So overall -- I wouldn't put the selection in athe plus column, but maybe neutral?

However, looking at the corals and the retail I could easily sell the other three at about half or less of WWC's prices and break even and get to keep two corals, a shirt, a coral glue, coral dip, , and a big container of carbon that was also in the box.

I have a WWC Hippie Juice, here's a less actinic picture.


I took a gamble too; my shipment comes on 1/8.
My shipment came in this morning, they've been in the tank all of ten minutes. All I can say is ".....meh.....". I think the most interesting one for me is the WWC Grafted Sunfire Monti.

WWW Dragon Slayer (Top View)

WWW Dragon Slayer (Side View)

WWW Dragon Slayer (What it's supposed to look like)
Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 11.34.11 AM.png

WWC Yellow Fever (Top view)

WWC Yellow Fever (Side view)

WWW Yellow Fever (What it's supposed to look like)
Screen Shot 2019-01-08 at 11.36.07 AM.png

WWC Grafted Sunfire Monti

WWC Sunset Monti

WWC Space Invader Mycedium
