
Acrylic Scratch remover. Need advice

Depending on how deep the scratches are this kit works well. Takes some practicing but worth it. You can use in the tank and you should start off with the 4000 grade paper then work your way higher through the numbers. A up and down motion and left to right motion is how you should work the pads. No Circular motion! ;D
Im out right now not till next week. Im sure other stores have it in if you needed it right away. We use this it when go to service clients tanks to help them remove scratches over a period of time
Inside or outside?

How deep of a scratch?

I've done a wonderful job on removing really deep scratches, taps plastics sells various grits of wet/dry sandpaper, I think upwards of 2500 grit, which at that point will leave a bit of a haze, but if you order some specialty stuff higher than that, you should be able to get it out no problem inside the tank. If it's outside go to 2500 then you can use novus 2.
i've got that kit - it worked well for me. depending on the depth of the scratch, you pick a starting grit and work your way up.
The Tap paper is real nice, you can also look into micro mesh which is what most of the kits use for abrasive.

Also, Rick at Mighty Magnets has a kit you can use with your magnets that works real well, plus the Mighty Pads polish your tank while you clean your acrylic as well.
I picked up the same kit for OT this weekend. Derek was great help in showing how to use the kit. Works great. Just takes time.
