Kessil isn't working on Google Chrome...

We had this monstrosity my Freshman year at FSU back when I learned to program in Cobol and Fortran .

Was the worlds largest at the time, now it is landfill as is my knowledge of the to programing languages.
Hey I started on a real computer with the Apple ][, it wasn't my first access though :p That would have been my neighbors TRS80. When he got that, my family didn't even have a TV, so a computer was a wee outa our league.

I've worked on so many different computers...Amiga, Ataria, Commodore, IBM, etc etc. Hell even an Osborne I and Lisa (same neighbor)
Gomer said:
Can you write VB macros in Numbers?
can it do complex pivot tables and custom (call) fuctions and filtering?
Can Pages do endnote integration such as cite-as-you-write or even bibliography formating and indexing?
Can Pages do Track Changes and Version Comparison?.

All this talk about languages and such, and I just realized:
DUH - I should have taken that bet.

The answer to all of the above is "theoretically yes".


Ok, maybe it is a little bit beyond trivial, and it might have to talk to a series of external apps.
But feel free to mail me a check.
rygh said:
Gomer said:
Can you write VB macros in Numbers?
can it do complex pivot tables and custom (call) fuctions and filtering?
Can Pages do endnote integration such as cite-as-you-write or even bibliography formating and indexing?
Can Pages do Track Changes and Version Comparison?.

All this talk about languages and such, and I just realized:
DUH - I should have taken that bet.

The answer to all of the above is "theoretically yes".


Ok, maybe it is a little bit beyond trivial, and it might have to talk to a series of external apps.
But feel free to mail me a check.

That's about as retarded as me saying "I can re-write windows do do anything osx can do"
/here's your sign.
seminolecpa said:
I see your Apple 2e and raise you a Radio Shack Color Computer II with a tape drive.
32k Radio Shack Color Computer 1


h20player101 said:
I thought most of the gadgetry on PC was done using MACROS?

Amusingly, one of the challenges given was supporting a visual basic macro.

But I guess using a different script/macro is somehow illegal.
Sore loser.

One thing that might be hard though:
Remember the flight simulator in Excel 97??
Gomer said:
hold a sec. I need to punch a few more cards and change out a fried vacuum tube.
A retired coworker built core memory for an SDS 910 in 1962.

His professor wasn't allowed to buy memory upgrades, so he purchased copper ferrite cores and assembled it 4k at a time.

Mr. Ugly said:
I played my first computer games on a mainframe through a teletype.


Trek and Wumpus :D

Heh my friends mom used one of those at her work. We'd love to go play with that thing, and in the punch card center (they would give us bags of rubber bands that they used to secure groups of punch cards together with)
rygh said:
h20player101 said:
I thought most of the gadgetry on PC was done using MACROS?

Amusingly, one of the challenges given was supporting a visual basic macro.

But I guess using a different script/macro is somehow illegal.
Sore loser.

One thing that might be hard though:
Remember the flight simulator in Excel 97??
I ask for an ability, not to use an ability to create one.