Neptune Aquatics

BAYMAC 2011 - May 14 - Chabot College

thank you guys for putting on this event. I got some really nice corals for such a deal. You guys always do a great job organizing this event. I mean I got several nice chalices for under 20 dollars that I have seen elsewhere for at least triple the price. Didn't get to stay long cause I had to take my girl back to skyline college so she could take an exam, but we still had a great time. Thanks again.
Great pics! We need to start an online gallery either at the BAR site or BAYMAC site.

@Sergio - We ALL saw the hose incident. :bigsmile:

Thanks for letting me work with the speakers - really enjoyed getting to talk to those guys, a real home run with that group! Plus it kept me busy enough that most of the stuff I saw in the vendor booths was already sold. That is until Robert and Cerrisa got me in trouble with deals too good to resist! Worth the eight hour round trip...
I had a lot of fun, too. The Onsight exhibit was awesome, I could not go by there without stopping and looking at what was under the microscope; and I found out that my mystery animals were hydroids.
The exhibits were amazing and I saw corals and prices :D I had never seen before. I had been saving money from December and now I have $7. Also I got a clean up crew that will keep my tank clean from my algae that seems to bloom every other day. My dad and papa had a great time too.
This was my first BAYMAC and it was definitely fun. I met up and exchanged corals/snails with some members, I got a nice green Caulastrea from the BAR frag sale, and talked to some interesting people.

Onsight was probably my favorite booth there and I enjoyed nerding-out with Leslie Harris on polychaetes; there are not enough worm lovers in the world. They had a great setup with a microscope camera and screen that was really fun to watch, especially my medusa worms up-close. They should definitely come back next year.

I caught two of the three speakers, which I enjoyed listening to. My main complaint for the entire event is that the speakers schedule kept running behind and it was hard to tell from the floor when they were starting or what they were about. Other than that, I enjoyed Just Credible's and Simon Garett's talks, and I was especially fascinated by Justin Credible's talk natural-reef coral banking. He discussed a micropropagation technique that I plan to investigation if it can be adapted to home aquaria.

I also have photos that I'll post shortly.
houser said:
Even got to read the Coral mag Ret gave me while parked in front of the coliseum while the CHP figured out what sort of ticket to give me for apparently only having half a valid registration sticker? WTF? CHP was thick on 880 coming home.

Ack! I thought it was you when I saw them pull you over. I figured your brute bin was unsecured or something. Indeed they were thick on the 880 yesterday.









Simon's talk about the amplification of his surges as it moves toward the back has had my brain spinning for hours today. We've all got some serious R&D to do and we need our own shopbot to make stuff.
My notebook has some new notes today.
houser said:
Simon's talk about the amplification of his surges as it moves toward the back has had my brain spinning for hours today. We've all got some serious R&D to do and we need our own shopbot to make stuff.
My notebook has some new notes today.

Shadup and get to work shopbot, not everyone got to relax and enjoy the fruits of their labor :D
I was dreaming of his videos about wave motion. It's nuts to be using expensive pumps to generate wave motion when it could be done more cheaply and reliably using displacement.
Darn, this sounds like a sweet talk I missed, and an all around awesome event, as always! I went to Chicago to see the giants at Wrigley. Go in two games and one Rainout. It was a great trip, but what was I thinking missing BAYMAC!?! DOH!
bondolo said:
I was dreaming of his videos about wave motion. It's nuts to be using expensive pumps to generate wave motion when it could be done more cheaply and reliably using displacement.

There are numerous hang ups with such displacement. Having installed numerous surge systems fron $10 to $250,000, I would have gone his route.
Sorry about the speaker schedule. You can thank the person who stole the AV controller (prior to the event). They had to do some real handy work to get it rolling which set it behind.
I would like to thank BAR and everyone to came out making it such a wonderful event. The speakers, exhibitors, vendors, Brian Blank, Leslie Harris, Eric Henry, Laura L from Acan Lighting, Reef Nutrition, Kessil Lighting, Aquatic Collection, ESC Co. and The Shop in San Jose, BAR and of course the attendees all brought their A game :) Im excited to see how BAR carries the BAYMAC flame next May 12.
I would like to thank Gresham and the Bay Area Reefers for organizing such a magnificent event, BAYMAC!!!!!!!!

Additionally, I would like to thank everyone for making me feel at home, I had a great time and look forward to many more.
We hand tested a in-tank mini oil Derrick system on Mikes 8'x4 flat when it was set up at his brothers house and a tiny amount of vertical displacement on a small plunger got the 240 gallons rocking after a little while.
His talk stoked the fires on the geometry of his system and we kept talking in the exibition hall during teardown for a while. Phones bacame tanks, pencils plungers,etc... I'd seen his setup online many moons ago but no substitute for seeing it as a presentation and talking to the man himself. I don't even care about the intertidal stuff as much as the water movement. Excellent speaker choice.