
Brooklynella outbreak...

from what you describe, it may have been brook/velvet or brook/ich. brook if not addressed quickly is really sad. sorry about your loss, it sucks to loose anything.
Will try to answer what I know about this, others can feel free to chime in.

Ok so going to get some CP later today got a few questions

1) Earlier it was said it doesn't break down much in water? Over what kind of time period can I expect almost full strength? month? week?
Hard to say since you can't measure how much is left in solution after a week or a month.

2) Will carbon absorb it? Like if I had a trickle filter going on should I remove the carbon and stick only with the filter sponge?
Carbon and phosphate remover pads will remove CP.

3) What sort of time frame are we looking at seeing results/killing parasites? How long to keep in hospital tank?
If it's too late, no results. If you catch in time, hopefully prevent fish's health from deteriorating any further and turn around. Good sign is if it starts eating.

4) What sort of dosage should I use if there is definite infection?
I use 75mg/gal for clownfishes, but have used up to 120mg/gal when it a bad active shipment comes in. For more sensitive fishes, I would recommend 40mg/gal

5) Will it kill stuff in the water column? So can I use water from the main tank that's already mixed and warm in the QT?
It won't kill beneficial biomedia bacteria that I'm aware of, but it will kill algae, glass anemones, and can kill all inverts.

6) Will it absorb/leech from rock?
No, not that I've experienced. I've read a lot of people reusing their live rock back in reef tanks after thorough rinsing.

7) Any sort of interactions with water that already has formalin in it? I know formalin breaks down can I keep the same water and dose CP?
There's no conflict that I'm aware of. On severe active brook shipments, the fish would die if I did nothing drastic, so I've dosed up to 120mg/gal plus 2-4 drops/gal formalin and fishes have weathered through it if not too late.

8) Treat every fish as if it's sick? Or should I wait it out? If I have to treat every fish that's fine. I'm simply drain the tank, not exactly what I want to do, but in the long run it could be beneficial (cheaper) to go that route. Especially if I can use dry rock in the QT without any adverse affects later if put said dry rcok in the display tank.
Not all fishes will be attacked by brook. But all fishes can be attacked by velvet. If it were me, I would treat every fish that came in contact with the infected fishes. You decide what's best for you.

Tomato clown isn't looking terribly hot now. Mouth keeps opening and closing somewhat rapidly like he's gasping for air, extreme white spots, fins quite ragged on the edges. Not eating at all. The upside is my yellow tang and my foxface are still big piggies in the main tank.