High Tide Aquatics


You seem cool and I kinda know how you feel about you tank.
When you first get the bug it's hard to be patient.
The last thing you want to do in this hobby is rush things.
If you stick your head out of the fox hole to fast you could lose you know what.
Enjoy the devils armor and watch em grow.
If you make it to the swap in February you will meet a lot of nice folks and will probably get quite a few corals to boot.

Oh, and don't worry about Gomer, He lives in like friggin New Mexico or someplace. :bigsmile:
yea i think they are seeding, Because two of them let of these little things from their mouths took an hour, but I will look it up to make sure. that bug is a bad one this is the worst hobby I' ve ever had. :bigsmile: I love watching things grow knowing it was me doing it. I slowed down alot I got the tank for 400 bucks with a chiller live stock and rock. I took every drop of water from it so i wouldnt have to cycle it. The guy had cool stuff just not what I liked i m more of a color guy, and like zoo's. Plus he had alot of "app-an-tage-a's" (spelling error) didnt like that so i got rid of it all. I knew about the tank and got it fast, sold my 180 gallon and red bellys after a bad thing with a stressed out african tiger fish. But all in all i love this tank more and more and money ran out hahaha, but I still get Army money on the 1st and i go out buying. I'm not sure what LEDs to run 90w or 120w I dont wanna hurt anything and it helps me for when I upgrade.

90w is equaled to 200w metal light
120w is like a 300w metal

i m getting it soon so I think I ll play it safe at 90w unless anyone can help

And hey i dont wanna come off as a dick to anyone, but if i feel someones being a dick I'll say something. But i m super happy to be here and cant wait to go to the meetings and meet all the people that care like I do even if I'm a newbie. I know water just not all salt yet, but i see this being a long time hobby. My dad got me started with his wood style 55g and under gravel filter hahahaha hella old
ugggggggh ? I did pipe line like 5 times and a couple down the coast of north beach of and kinda by china mans hat not double over heads but over head. well there was that time i got one at pipe the was huge and i got lucky to make it out