
Dragon's Tongue Algae (Heymenia)

and it's not as cheap as chaeto.. Not easy to get.. If you are going to put it's in the fuge, get some chaeto. Unless you have a display fuge or something. Like Pixel said, it's too nice for a fuge..
Got another good "frag" for the next algae lover.. 8) .. Can pick up at my house or Feb's swap..
Here is another photo of the algae..
Trade you for some of my planted , sea grass ??? That is what is was sold to me as. although not sure its grass cuz it sure got long.
I love to get some seagrass Amy but this is DBTC... Can't trade ;D . If you want it, you can have it. Do you have a tank that doesn't have Tang or Angelfish?
Yep, I have a display refugeim that has several different kind of macro algae. Its 70 gallon and connected to my main display. I will put up that macro into dbtc.
Sorry Amy the colony got lose and sucked into the Tunze PH :( :-[. There are a bunch of tiny pieces now. The piece I was going to give you is dying for some reasons. I guess it needs more light than I thought. Hopefully someone can frag you a piece.. Sorry again!!!
Yeah I know :( .. Good thing is I gave out several frags already. Hopefully those frags are doing good...

I have 3 tiny frags now. If they live, I will have 3 colonies in 3 months.