
Elos 120 (liter)

JAR said:

what the heck is this creature?'ve noticed a strange and rare coral! hehehe. This is the most bizarre group of Rhodactis ever! Ever see color and texture like that? It can inflate individual rogue polyps like a bubble coral. Given to me by Jim the Bookworm to archive, what he called "old school" heritage shrooms. He also gave me the brown, purple, torquoise ones too. Did you notice how much new coralline and the total lack of aiptasia? Can I get a halleluiah! Good things have been happening since I cut back on everything......light, food, CA and ALK.
I'll give ya a 'hallelujah' for a nice clean looking, aptasia-free tank! last I saw your tank it was stuffed w/ corals, glad to see you still have some good remaining pieces including the rare fluffy rhodactis mushroom rock.
so now that you've been working for a while, don't you deserve the reward of a 2nd tank or dare I say an upgrade to a larger one?
Just a special note of thanks to all who are contributing the getting my old tank repopulated after the aiptasia plague.
Especially thanks to JAR Jon who is returning a whopping piece of what I consider to be one of the finest montis around and somewhat unusual. That's the Sand Dollar monti that can be seen in earlier posts of this tank thread.

Guess What? Don't Break The Chain works! Thanks to the founders of BAR, it's like having a computer back-up on an external drive. Thanks everyone! Pics will come after new arrivals acclimate.
Coral reefer said:
Glad you still have some sweet pieces! Especially that leptastrea!!!
Hey Mike,
I too like the leptastrea. I also like cyphastrea very much. Looks like any coral that ends in "astrea" is high on my list! LOL
Kensington Reefer said:
What is that last pic? Porites?
And I was wondering how you shrink down to fit in the aquarium? I've always wanted to.
Why yes, Erin, that's our own DBTC Steel Blue Porites. Nearly lost them coming back nicely now. I didn't lose my DBTC Super Nova either! :cool: My odd little band of coral.......... :davie:
Oh yeah, I only shrink my arm down to tank size. The camera is only the size of a card deck so it fits fine.
Great checking out the tank in person today John. :) Thanks for the Calfo pink sinularia...that is one beautiful softie ! The blasto merletti/zoa rock blended in real nice in your tank.
Gotta problem, I think. These are in my tank, in the substrate. They look absolutely venomous. Do I have a problem? What kind of wormoid is this? What do need to do? It's a video so please double click on the image. I await your thoughts.
Some people pay for those, great cleaners. I used to have several, but they went the route of the pod population during the wrasse decimation.