got ethical husbandry?

PraziPro Dosage Methods

When I first got my Picassos, my female got very ill due to a worm. Stomach swollen, very lethargic, loss of appetite, etc. She got better after a few days and a few days ago I see my male's stomach swollen while he's swimming against the back wall, but still has some appetite. For the last two or three days, the female has been laying on the sand all day and eating very little.

I remember being told that when fish have internal parasitic worms, you can sometimes see the worm hanging out. Back when the female first got sick, I could see a clear strand hanging out of her. Today I witnessed a much fatter strand hanging out. I'm worried that it might be killing her over time.

In another thread I had posted, I remember being told by somebody that you can dose it through the food, which is more direct and potentially less harmful to the tank (if any harm is caused by the med to anything). I want to get multiple opinions on this before I try it. How many drops of PraziProp should I soak the food in? I usually soak in a solution of .5ml selcon and 2-4 drops of Kent's Garlic Xtreme, which may be what is enticing them to eat through their illness. Will adding selcon and garlic dilute the PraziPro and make it less effective?
I've only used it once, and I soaked a little food in some, but I also dosed the tank. First treatment for a week, 50% water change, then second dose, another week, another 50% change. Worked for me. I was treating for black spots on a yellow tang that I believed to be signs of worms. A blue tang had sites on his body as well. Lps and softies were all fine. Both fish have been healthy for a few months now.