Cali Kid Corals
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  • I have volunteered to have the first board meeting at my home in Oakland. Any day of the week works for me. Just let me know when and what time and I will schedule it. We need to be flexible so more than one date might make it easier to schedule. Thanks!
    Only weekends for me, and not too early. Otherwise fairly flexible.
    Call me 510-332-7841
    I'm trying to hook up an airport express
    I get to a point where it asks me for PPPoE account info and service name
    No clue...
    I can call tonight if you still have problems.
    If you have DSL, you probably need to call the provider for that. Although usually the modem itself handles all that, not the wifi router. If not, sounds like setup is all messed up, in which case I would reset to factory defaults.
    Kensington Reefer
    Kensington Reefer
    Yes please
    I think I did reset to default
    I do have dsl but I want this thing to connect to my existing att router/wifi
    I want to use the airport express out in the sheds
    Hi Mark sorry for he late reply. I was busy and out of town. Now i am back Would it be possible to pick up the corals today ( Sunday ) after lunch like around 2-3pm ?
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