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  1. Schmitty


    Anyone selling Berghia? My Aiptasia are starting to multiply
  2. Schmitty


    Oh man, I lost my GMK - please let me know if /when you have more available
  3. Schmitty

    DBTC: Rich's Beefy Blue Stag

    Very cool
  4. Schmitty

    DBTC RRC Goldenrod Anacropora

    Any frags left? Would love one
  5. Schmitty

    DBTC: ARC Master Yoda

    Any frags left of this one? Looks awesome!
  6. Schmitty

    Schmitty's 40g Nuvo Reef

    Been a couple years since I updated tank. Just wanted to say I’m very pleased with this 24k Leptoseris I got at HIGH TIDE AQUATICS in Oakland over the weekend. Thanks for all you do Kenny @hightideaquatics
  7. Schmitty

    Black Polyps growing fast—HELP!

    I blasted em with F Aiptasia and that helped a lot, need to go back in some areas...
  8. Schmitty

    Black Polyps growing fast—HELP!

    Found this article. Thoughts? https://maxdraco.wordpress.com/2013/03/14/fenbendazole-eliminate-invasive-soft-corals-blue-cloves-polyps-xenia-aiptasia-hydriods-etc/
  9. Schmitty

    Black Polyps growing fast—HELP!

    I’ll get a pic tonight , I brushed em with peroxide and that knocked em back at least temporarily
  10. Schmitty

    Black Polyps growing fast—HELP!

    Yes, he doesn’t seem to get em
  11. Schmitty

    Black Polyps growing fast—HELP!

    I hate to ask, but maybe you all know. I have these black small cloves/polyp growing like wild zoas, seem to be connected to a black sponge looking thing below the rocks... Any idea what it is, and how I can get rid, seems like it will take over coral zones that I dont want and its not very...
  12. Schmitty


    Thanks I have a call with Neptune next week
  13. Schmitty


    Thank you! My lights are plugged in to constant power and are controlled by the apex as far as cycles
  14. Schmitty


    My WiFi has been going out a bunch lately and when it does the apex stays at where it was when the WiFi goes out. I dont think that’s how it used to be. Like my lights stay on all night if WiFi goes out when they’re on. Does anyone know if there's a way to make it like I think it used to be that...
  15. Schmitty

    DBTC: Neon Candy Cane

    I got some of this if anyone is interested
  16. Schmitty

    Twisted Purple Frogspawn

  17. Schmitty

    DBTC: BoP Phodactis Bounce Mushroom

    I’d love to hop in line for one of these
  18. Schmitty

    DBTC: GMK - Grand Master Krakatoa Zoa

    Anyone got a lil krak? Mine got mowed down by my urchin…
  19. Schmitty


    Lost my OG bounce and looking to get another one or some other type of bounce-anyone have some frags?