High Tide Aquatics

DBTC: Biota weeping Willow Leather


I just added Biota weeping Willow Leather to DBTC.

There are 1 frag(s) available right now.

Rules (stolen from Jhuynh/lani with some modifications):
1. At least two frags from this should be offered through DBTC before you do whatever else you want with your extra frags.
2. People who have offered frags on this thread get first dibs on next frags (should something happen to theirs).
3. IMPORTANT - Must have a tank journal
4. Whoever is interested please put your name down or PM me, I will pick who will will get a frag - using BarCode doesn't guarantee you a frag, but gives me an idea that you are interested.
5. BOD members are exempt from my rules, we can talk if any interest.
6. If anyone sells their piece before completing their chain, I will be sure not to give them anything else and spread the word.
7. Current contributing DBTC'ers will have priority in joining my chain.


Mother colony

1 is available now, if there is more interest I would consider fragging it again. I have only ever fragged this once.

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@t0mmy108 are you going to Holiday potluck if so I can bring one there?

I just fragged it again last week.

I have one for you, and I also have one I'm saving for will. I would wanna wait maybe 1 more week to ensure it's solidly attached. So reach out when you wanna grab it.
@t0mmy108 are you going to Holiday potluck if so I can bring one there?

I just fragged it again last week.

I have one for you, and I also have one I'm saving for will. I would wanna wait maybe 1 more week to ensure it's solidly attached. So reach out when you wanna grab it.
I don't know for certain yet. Depends on if my wife ends up working on-call or not and what she feels like that morning. I was trying to get a plan B going to see if I could hand off some things to someone from San Jose to take up there and possibly bring back some things. I can meet up easier down here
I don't know for certain yet. Depends on if my wife ends up working on-call or not and what she feels like that morning. I was trying to get a plan B going to see if I could hand off some things to someone from San Jose to take up there and possibly bring back some things. I can meet up easier down here
Sounds good. Just reach out next week should be ready than.
Any more frags available? Would love one
Not presently the two remaining frags of it are already spoken for. I will only frag it one more time until it's larger. I will let the frags from it grow out and make more frags from the frags. I don't want to keep fragging the mother.

*I will see when I next frag it if I can make a tiny one for you.

In the future I will also be adding a green weeping willow to dbtc as well with even longer tenticals than this one. (I’ve only recently fragged it so need time for the tiny frags of it to grow out as well.) The green one is truly awesome.