


Supporting Member

This Green Bubble Tip Anemone especially belongs in DBTC because it has a long history of captive propagation in the Bay Area - over 20 years. Before I knew him, my husband got a split from a reefer in the Dublin/Danville area sometime before 1998. I got a split of the split around 2002 and have been keeping it since. It seems the more it eats, the bigger it becomes, then it splits. Sometimes it has bubble tips and sometimes not. I know it has grown under PC, MH, T5, and LED lighting. We have had ocellaris, percula, and gold bar maroon clowns host in it.
Let's keep this BTA line going strong by passing it on to members with established tanks with suitable lighting and giving back to donors if theirs die.

Note: At least 6 club members received this anemone before I placed it in DBTC. They have the option of joining this thread.
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I have 2 splits on tank walls (easy to remove) and will contact those with established tanks who expressed interest through a previous thread to see if they are still interested.
Located in Pleasant Hill (near Concord/Walnut Creek).
I am also interested as long as it plays nice with my RBTA.

I also have that Kenyan tree set aside for you

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@sfsuphysics did you ever get an anemone? Interested in hearing how it is doing? Did you put it in your main tank? How is it getting along with your other anemones?
BTAs seem to be okay with no attention for over a month. Lugging in water to refill ATO reservoirs and checking clownfish feeder has been the only care since school closure. Maybe some of you are in the same position with your work tanks. I was thinking if someone wanted to pick up BTAs to distribute to SF area folks they could, but I don't think I have enough time in my classroom to remove nems that are on the tank walls. I will let people know if the situation changes.
BTAs seem to be okay with no attention for over a month. Lugging in water to refill ATO reservoirs and checking clownfish feeder has been the only care since school closure. Maybe some of you are in the same position with your work tanks. I was thinking if someone wanted to pick up BTAs to distribute to SF area folks they could, but I don't think I have enough time in my classroom to remove nems that are on the tank walls. I will let people know if the situation changes.

Maureen, Glad to see the classroom tanks are doing well. Also thank you for your kindness and the GBTA you gave me awhile back. Here’s a pic of it with my clowns loving it.


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Maureen, Glad to see the classroom tanks are doing well. Also thank you for your kindness and the GBTA you gave me awhile back. Here’s a pic of it with my clowns loving it.


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Looks great! So glad to see it! Tentacles look shorter and thicker than ours - maybe they will get bubble tips like ours used to have. I'll be showing update photos to my students soon and will include this! The rose BTA you gave us plus shrooms and Tequila Sunrise rhodactis are doing well all on their own, too. The rose planted itself front and center in our big tank for all to see and has not moved since.
Damm I wish I could have a one green ananome, but I have no idea where I could place it, to not get my other 2 different ananome colonies (2 Rose bubble tip on one side and 4 brighter rose on the other top) that are inhabiting the top of my rocks ...
They look so cool. I wonder if they would get bubble tips on my tank since my other have that. I will be thinking to build another top in my tank eventually. :D