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"Holiday" potluck, Richard Ross talk and mini frag swap (01/11)


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Hey everyone. Well it's better late than never. We will be having out annual holiday potluck and mini swap on Saturday January 11th 5pm-8pm @JVU will be hosting us.

We want this swap to be kind of special. This isn't a normal swap. Like stated in the other post this will just be a 1 for 1 swap. A single round. Picking order will be completely random.

We want this to be like our bonus/ultra round before our regular swaps.

1) For the dinner potluck, please let us know in this thread what you are bringing and I’ll update the post below.

2) Richard Ross will be giving a talk on something probably reef related...

3) Just for fun we wanted to try out a mini frag swap at the potluck, details to follow.

The event is free (of course) for Supporting members and their guests

I hope to see everyone there
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RSVP and what everyone is bringing (I will update)
@JVU - Host
@MichaelB - Jambalaya
@Invictus - brownies or garlic bread
@glee - guacamole and chips
@BleepBloopMunchMunch - dessert
@derek_SR - ceviche and chips
@Darkxerox - drinks
@Alexander1312 - walnut shrimp
@ReeferRey - fried shrimp balls
@Corallus - appetizer
@jonmedina - mom approved award-winning brisket chili
@Reefer Madness - cookies and potato salad
@Michael Hans - pizza
@Apon - drinks and cups
@tribbitt - Asian dish
@L/B Block - salad or dessert of some kind
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I would be intrested if I could bum a ride from someone or someone willing to drive and we take my car. Driving freeways is tough for me in the day time at night is a never. I could definitely bring some food to share, what would depend on what everyone else would bring.
I would be intrested if I could bum a ride from someone or someone willing to drive and we take my car. Driving freeways is tough for me in the day time at night is a never. I could definitely bring some food to share, what would depend on what everyone else would bring.
I can probably carpool. Let’s work it out as things get closer. Maybe we can get a few folks together from the South Bay

I’m thinking I’ll bring Garlic Bread or Brownies.
Same here with the ride thing… Super stoked to have the opportunity to hear a Richard Ross talk in person :)

I can also bring food and frags
Hey everyone. Well it's better late than never. We will be having out annual holiday potluck and mini swap on Saturday January 11th.
We have historically had them from 5pm-8pm, exact time of this one is tbd. Please rsvp on this thread.

We want this swap to be kind of special. This isn't a normal swap. Like stated in the other post this will just be a 1 for 1 swap. A single round. Picking order will be completely random.

We want this to be like our bonus/ultra round before our regular swaps.

1) For the lunch potluck, please let us know in this thread what you are bringing and I’ll update the post below.

2) Richard Ross will be giving a talk on something probably reef related...

3) Just for fun we wanted to try out a mini frag swap at the potluck, details to follow.

The event is free (of course) for Supporting members and their guests.

Pretty sure this will be in the eastbay walnut creek area. I will update location once it's nailed down.

I hope to see everyone there
I'll be in Tahoe until 1/11/25 (wtf 2025?!) - free any time after that afaik. WC location works for me ;)
I will come. I can bring ceviche and chips probably.

If we're doing a 1:1 swap, does that mean ultra frags only? i love the idea but want the stuff to be GOOD !
Maybe i'll go with a Cajun style gumbo or jambalaya any preference?

Gumbo is a thick dark roux based soup like a stew served over rice with green & red onions, bell peppers, celery, garlic, chicken and andoullie Sasuge. I could also add shrimp and crab if I can source it if no one is allergic (making it a sea food gumbo)?

Jambalaya is basically the same ingredients but no soup its a rice base dish comparable to a indian style biryani but with Cajun spices.

Either option is equal effort. Hopefully my simple explanation helps in the event anyone isn’t familiar with either dish. Basically they are the two most signature Cajun dishes.

In the south Both are essentially considered a complete meal by themselves not including a dessert.
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I will come. I can bring ceviche and chips probably.

If we're doing a 1:1 swap, does that mean ultra frags only? i love the idea but want the stuff to be GOOD !

I just came up with a random idea. Literally before any BAR event, if we have enough participants, we could host a “virtual” frag swap. Members send in a picture of their coral (could be Ultra only, etc). Then we all get on a video call at the same time. We randomize the picking order. Pick our coral based on the photos, and then a few days later at the event we all bring the corals we sent from the photos and give them to the right person. Requires some details ironed out.

This would require an extra level of trust, but I think if we had the right participants it could be an added element of fun.
Ultra ticket corals from the frag swap...if you're being serious.

Yes, I was serious. But I meant to say that for someone like me who does not care too much about a coral being ULTRA or not as long as it looks nice, it is a bit of an effort to figure out from the list we have what all the ULTRA corals are and which I might have. So, this might eventually prevent me from attending the event if none of mine qualify. I think we had the same event at Kenny’s last year, and it was nice, and I brought the nicest coral I had at the time, but I do not believe it was an ULTRA coral. Maybe I should start reactivating my steakhouse voucher trade, which has not been picked up yet :).
Yes, I was serious. But I meant to say that for someone like me who does not care too much about a coral being ULTRA or not as long as it looks nice, it is a bit of an effort to figure out from the list we have what all the ULTRA corals are and which I might have. So, this might eventually prevent me from attending the event if none of mine qualify. I think we had the same event at Kenny’s last year, and it was nice, and I brought the nicest coral I had at the time, but I do not believe it was an ULTRA coral. Maybe I should start reactivating my steakhouse voucher trade, which has not been picked up yet :).
I have an ultra coral for you if you don’t have one to participate
The event is a holiday potluck with a talk by Rich.

The 1-coral mini-swap is a little side show for fun, it’s not the main event. In the past it’s always been pretty informal- just bring a frag of what you consider one of your best corals to share. We haven’t had any requirement that it be an ultra coral according to the frag swap criteria. If you have ultras and bonus and regulars, bring an ultra. If you don’t have ultras, bring the nicest one you have, or maybe a larger colony size of something. Idea being just more special than the minimum. Just to be transparent, if you bring a small frag of a common non-ultra non-bonus coral and take home an ultra, you’ll probably get some side-eye from people who brought high end coral frags. You can avoid this by just picking another coral of similar value to what you brought when it’s your turn. You don’t have to participate if you’d rather not, it’s no biggie.

Another thing for those who want to trade additional high-end coral is to just arrange a trade ahead of time and make the hand-off at the event, separate from the swap. Not as exciting maybe, but a way to make sure you are getting something you want.

Also we will have a DBTC table as another way to swap corals with each other.