got ethical husbandry?

March Tank Spotlight is Corallus


Supporting Member
Congrats on being this months spotlight
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Thanks for the shout out!

I really did need a gentle reminder to post an update, which I just did. Looking back on it, it's surprising how long I've had this up and running. Keeping a tank journal has been a great way to be able to look back and see how it's progressed and be reminded of successes and failures.

Also I need to thank the club for being what it is. I've been keeping aquariums for a long time now, and this is far and away the best, most supportive, informative group I've been a part of. The overall mission and the DBTC are things all aquarium clubs should aspire to.

Thank you all!
It’s like almost April.
Yeah, it's been an eventful month... but we've still got a couple weeks left ;)

I set the tank up and got water in it early 2016, so it's been up and running for 4 years now, with one pretty serious crash (which sucked) in the mix.

Critter list:
Yellow Tang
Pygmy Angel (oldest member of the crew)
2 Springer's damsels
Yellow tail damsel
Lyretail Anthias
Orchid Dottyback
Pair of cleaner shrimp
2 tuxedo urchins
Self sustaining population of black foot trochus snails
Pair of 4 stripe damsels in the sump (anybody want to give these guys a home?)

1 each deresa, crocea, maxima clams

Stupid mix of sps, lps, rock flower nems, zoas and mushrooms

75 gal (36x24x20) Kieth Grant Signature tank with custom made sump and stand, purchased used from a fellow BAR member
AP700 - aquatic life T5 light setup
Red Dragon return
2 MP40's
Bubble King 150 skimmer
Knop-c CaRX with a Kaomer feed pump
Avast Marine ATO plugged into Apex with 50ml/min feed pump
Apex Classic controler
Lots of rock plus a big marine pure block in the sump

I think the main theme as I type this is, I'm still trying stuff out. Seeing what I like, what grows well for me and what doesn't. I did just do a tank journal update, but I'll add a couple of pics here that I didn't include there.

Watermelon chalice I picked up from @Chromis a while back that's growing nicely

A shot of the ricordia pile, there are some blue ones to the right of this that are not in the shot

The most recent addition, and really the tank mascot these days. Not sure what I'll do when he starts to act cramped.
tang 1.jpg

There are more recent pics in my tank thread, link in my signature below.

Thanks everyone!