Cali Kid Corals

Back after a long hiatus

Hi all,

Thought I'd drop a quick note. Getting back into things after almost 2 years of radio-silence (twins will do that to you). Hoping to get back into the full swing of things this winter.

My goal is to get the 65G set-up that was purchased, and has been sitting in the garage for the past 2 years. Starting to scope out parts and figure out what I want to do. Looking forward to re-connecting with everyone who has been a big help in the past, as well as getting to know some new folks. Located here in San Francisco, and looking forward to connecting up.

Lol, if we had the space, 2 tanks could be a possibility.

We've been taking them to cal academy at least on e or twice of month and everytime I'm there I get tank envy.
Mike, thanks for the offer of help. Might take you up on it as I upgrade the tank. Always good to meet new fellow reefers

Eileen, are you still in the city? I thought I saw one of your tags for Foster City on it.
Hey George,
Don't worry, we'll have you elbows deep in sea water before you know it! :)
I'll look forward to meeting you in person. Good luck with mixing fatherhood with your reefing. Like Dave says, "Kids love 'em" They may even help you "add things" to the tank. ;)