
Banggai Cardinal from AC not eating

Prazipro sounds like a good plan.
If someone gave it to you, that is fine, but double check expiration date. Old already opened medicine may not be so effective.

QT system looks great.
But as always, check ammonia daily, at least for the first week. You never know how well bio filters will work.

Poop is a good sign that they might actually be eating a bit.
The fish might be afraid of you, and start eating a bit once you leave.
I notice in picture the cardinal seems to be hiding in the corner, far from you.
Does it rush to the corner when you come in the room?
If so, tape some dark paper on the front of QT.
Sometimes his going hiding sometimes not. I really hope it will be alright and he is eating from what i pun tin the tank later on.
Fish update. The cardinal died... I tried 5 different frozen food combos and other pallets and foods but no luck. He just didn't even wanna taste the food.

From now on, I really have to make sure the fish is eating before buying.

The other 2 fishes in the QT are doing fine. And I see the chromis that I got from AC is recovering, it had transparent poop and sunken belly but now is getting better. The fire fish from Luckey Ocean had no issues.