Reef nutrition

Clownfish with Bulging Eyes, Possible Blindness


Supporting Member
15-yr-old gold bar maroon clown, female. Eyes bulging out, seems unable to see food but eats if you place fish bits in front of her, though it is difficult for her to catch the food. Lethargic, perching on rock. Perked up after eating but difficult to get the food to her mouth.
What is causing bulging eyes?
Will try to get photo.
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My Achilles tang had one eye bulge before. I’m pretty sure it was from poor water conditions. After cleaning up the water it healed on its own. His temperament hadn’t changed though. He was still eating the whole time. That makes it a bit more serious. It may be best to move him to a hospital tank.
Sounds like an infection or just old age. If you can easily get her out, probably good to move her to a quarantine and run antibiotics like maracyn/erythromycin (preferably) or Kanaplex. You could also do a freshwater dip on the way to the quarantine tank and check the container for flukes, but it seems unlikely that’s the problem unless you’ve added something new to the tank recently.
Both of my clowns have had it too over the years. They healed on their own after a week or so. The blindness thing is something I haven’t experienced yet. Good luck and hope your fish recovers.
Thanks for the advice. Set up a little hospital tank at home and treating with erythromycin. 24 hours made a world of difference and hopefully she is on the mend. Eating, moving about more easily (still not normal - wondering if swim bladder damage caused eye bulge), sees food. Swimming mostly with front fins but tail and fins do move. Put a fake anemone outside the tank and will see if she seems attracted to it. Might put it in after next water change.
Have not been able to catch the male yet who has a cloudy eye - so close! He's in a tank with a pair of percs at MIL's house. Tank has tons of anthelia which may be irritant. Removed a bunch of it (stinky) and did water change.
Finally got the male! He has blotches on his side and needs to join his recovering mate in the hospital tank. You guys are right about net radar - a few days with no success. Until today...
Put a BTA in a big container, poured some of its water into the tank and male started swimming all over looking for it, I guess. Placed container in tank. Male swam above and around it for an hour or two, never venturing in. Gave up and went to grab a bite to eat. Walked in afterward and he was all cozy in the nem! Lid on, container out!
Sadly, nem cannot go in hospital tank, so male was deceived and has lost all trust in us.