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Feeding Corals

Thing with feeding pellets is you gotta turn off all the flow in your tank. Or get some sort of tube set up.

I feed my lps corals mysis and brine when i feed my fish. Some corals like acans scolys duncans readily eat.

Some corals like zoas, euphyllia, not really.

Feeding sps is another story.
Just saw this on youtube and I just have to repost this.
So memorizing! Might even pick up some coral frenzy later this week too after seeing this haha

Yep. Than does a great job with several hard things at once. Macro, time lapse, video and aquarium, oh my!

He has quite a few videos listed under Tidal Gardens, too.
Oh, a subject close to my heart :)

FWIW taking in, and actually utilizing the feed are two different things. If a coral takes something in, and it can't process it, that is a net negative on the energy budget of that coral. They'll send it back out as pseudo-feces, though, something else will probably eat that packet :lol: Think of it this way, you ate dinner, then puked it. You got nothing from it, but you lost the energy it took to eat it, and reject it.
just wanted to mention that I understand you can overfeed corals...brian at aquatic collections told me he purchased a beautiful scoly for himself; after target feeding it, it basically threw up and deflated and never recovered! Pretty scary after spending over $200 for it!
Correct. If you put too much into a stomach that can only digest so much, it will rot. Same goes with fish and other critters. Corals are greedy, they'll take it in if you give it to them. Anemones will do the same.