got ethical husbandry?

Fish plague or serial killer

L/B Block

Supporting Member
So today we have lost 2 fish. One small yellow goby and a blue damsel. The yellow goby was losing color over last couple days. Unfortunately the snails got it before I could get a photo.

Blue damsel seems totally out of blue. Saw some white patchiness upon closer inspection. Not sure if fish is infected with something or something else going on.

Also looks like tail chewed up a bit but not sure if one issue caused the other.

How are and what are the other fish in the tank?
Stress caused by more aggressive fish can cause weakness, allowing for underlying issues to become lethal
How are and what are the other fish in the tank?
Stress caused by more aggressive fish can cause weakness, allowing for underlying issues to become lethal
4 chromis (they can be SOB’s), 2 cardinals,
Tiger shark goby, mandarin goby, bristletooth tang, 2 blennys, one purpleback dotty.

The other is missing too. Hmm.
The damsel got some bullying. The yellow goby was def left alone.

But I may also be pushing the limit for fish on 56 gallon tank although they are fed well
Well fed is very good. May it be often and varied.
A population of only 4 chromis is an issue. 2 will pair and then bully the other two
The Pseudochromis sp., the dottyback, is most likely the aggressor in your tank.
If you can watch the tank from afar so the fish don’t see you, or after they forget that you’re in the room, see what happens.
Just seeing the aggressor can cause stress in a subordinate....from across the tank.
Thanks. So far the chromis have been relatively good to each other although occasional chasing around. The dottyback for sure has been aggressive although less so since the other went MIA.
I have more experience with Blue Green Chromis, but I think it is similar.
With those, I think the key is tank size and rockwork.
In my old smaller 50G tank, I had trouble with small groups.
In my larger 250G tank, never any problems.
Plus I have heard similar from others.
One theory being those being bullied can easily hide and recover.
Another theory being with more space there is less bullying in general.
Of course: all anecdotal stories and speculation, so take that info as you wish.