
Request for help identifying a worm. Dorvilleidae?

Tonight I had my first sighting of a couple worms in my new tank--happy to see some biodiversity, presuming they're good. What's cool is that they are really good swimmers. Oddly good. A little freakish how good and deliberate they seem. I ran a Google image search and results came back as dorvilleidae.

Anyone able to confirm? Are they a-ok and beneficial?

dorvilleidae maybe 20191014.jpg

(Pic of one in my tank. Just several mm in length.)

Another pic in this thread:
I‘be never had bristleworms that swim, so that’s interesting. I can’t tell from the pic any more than that it seems like a type of bristleworm, of which there are many many different types and almost all are considered good CUC.
... seems like a type of bristleworm, of which there are many many different types and almost all are considered good CUC.

That's what I'm reading too. I hope to get a video of them. Will take some experimenting with lighting to capture video. I saw as many as a half-dozen simultaneously last night swimming about.