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RO questions

We just replaced an RO system and have the skeleton of the old one sitting. The new one is a 4 Stage, sediment, carbon, membrane, DI. I would like to take the extra cans and run an extra sediment and an extra carbon. Will this reduce the pressure noticeably? would this be benificial?
Should be fine especially when they are new. Any stage can and will drop pressure if its clogged enough. Does depend on why pressure you have to start with. Do you know? May need a booster pump to pull it off if your pressure isn't great to start out with.
Adding extra carbon Should help to remove chloramines. I use sediment(20 micron), booster pump, GAC, sediment (1 micron),chlorplus block (chloramines) then two membranes in series, then DI. pressure goes from 75-80 when all is new to less than 60 when I need to change things. I go by pressure gauge for sediment change out, gallons through system for GAC and chlorplus, and output to waste for membrane replacement. Id get a pressure gauge for like $18 from brs. Super easy to install and quite useful IMO.
I had a four stage RODI system like your by Coralife Pure II. I recently upgraded it to a five stage BRS RODI by changing out the blocks and keeping the hardware of the Coralife. I'm running Sediment filter to 5 micron carbon to .6 micron carbon to 75GPD membrane to DI resin. I have 80PSI without a booster pump. Like Coral Reefer's system, I'm switching it up one more time to address Chloramines. Taking out the two carbon blocks and replacing them with catalytic carbon block and a chlorplus block.
I have seen those cata carbon that are refillable. They seem cost effective. Are they proven to work? What is the dif between that stuff and activated carbon? There is pretty high turbitity in our water kinda sucks...
Honestly I wanted to run a sediment filter followed by two chlorplus blocks, but when I went to order it this way, BRS told me it HAS to have a catalytic carbon stage prior to the chlorplus. He even went to ask the guy 'in the know" about it. They'll arrive this week. Will it work better than activated carbon? I don't know and I don't know how well they actually work against chloramines. About two weeks ago I called Peninsula Water District and learned they do use chloramines in the water, so I decided to spend $45 to filter it out using BRS's method. I don't even know how to test for it to make sure it's not making it into my RODI bins. It's all an experiment at this point.
im very skeptical when it comes to new products or even old ones. i want to see results. I've grown orchids for the last 13 years and know a ton about what 1/4 tds will do to growth and other variables, based on personal obserbations and data logs. Id love some tech links. the reading makes me happy!
Me too. Makes water faster, with less waste, and gets more product water out of your prefilter stages as you are making more good water out of what you pass through the prefilter stages. It will result in more often membrane changes, but. $50 membrane isn't bad compared to the price of water and prefilters. Chloroplasts blocks are almost $20 each!