Neptune Aquatics

Shipment for 02/23/10

GreshamH said:
:lol: I was thinking you hadn't had your coffee yet or something :lol: The lack of smilies threw me :(

This one might be aplicable for that

I wish we could load our own smilies rather then hotlink them. We need a lot more of them :)

And our LOL one needs to actually laugh!
mpoletti said:
GreshamH said:
:lol: I was thinking you hadn't had your coffee yet or something :lol: The lack of smilies threw me :(

This one might be aplicable for that


it's actually true, I haven't had my coffee yet otherwise I would've made sure the smiley made it in there, hah! Mark, that one is perfect.
I dunno.. the uvula (throat testicles) bobbing back and forth creeps me out :lol:
OK I'm out, this conversation has gone way of course captain.