Cali Kid Corals

A tale of two colt corals

Don't laugh, but I've never had a colt coral before. Or ever really paid them any attention.

Figured it was time to see what all the fuss is about, so I put two "colt coral" frags in an online shopping cart and hit go.

One of them is turning out to be the usual monster - pale-ish base, dark-ish polyps, and I swear every time I turn away for 1o minutes it's bigger when I look at it again. (anyone looking for a colt coral mini colony? :p)

The thing is, the other one looks totally different. It actually looks kinda like a pale branching version of those blue sympodium corals. It's growing at about a normal nepthea/sinularia rate but nothing crazy.

What's the deal? Does the 'colt coral' label get slapped on a bunch of different species for convenience, or is this something else?

2019-03-02 17.49.48.jpg
Yeah gotta say, it's been a good long time since I've had a colt coral in any of my tanks, but that picture does not look like one, I don't recall it having polyps like that at all.

And yeah they get massive, mine was a good 16" tall from the base and probably 4-5 inches thick, they look great flowing in a tank but slime up like a mother.