got ethical husbandry?

Chalice I.D


Picked this piece up from you $10 frag tank on Friday. Tuan couldnt give me an exact I.D so thought I'd post here.

I have 2 of those I believe, if it's blue w/ alien eye I know which one you're talking about and it's a really cool chalice (worth much more than $10 IMO). I'm not sure if there's an actual name, if not just make one up- that's how chalices get their names anyway.... :bigsmile:
Thanks Bill. yeah I thought the same about it being worth more than 10 bucks. :bigsmile: Thing looks like its gonna be a gorgous piece when it grows out. Cant really tell from the picture but its really light blue with purple and super bright neon eye. hmmmm wonder what to name it if it doesnt have one already??'s the call Rommel's Chalice.... :bigsmile:

It's not lineage stuff...just nice. I have the mother colony of it still if you want to see it. Ask me when you get in the shop next time.
Awesome! Thanks Robert! LOL! Names dont really matter to me, Its just whatever catches my eye. Although alot of the "name brand" corals are kick ass and catches my eye's at the same time! i might make a trip there later this week. Love to see the main colony of this.