Reef nutrition

Freshwater LED Ideas

I just moved my cichlids into a cool 33 long aquarium and I wants to use a 48 inch led fixture but are unsure which one to choose. I was looking at the marineland double bright 48"-60". But now that the tank is setup I think that might be too much light. I may grow some live plants but nothing fancy and when I put on my 36" dual T5 it was very bright. I want something simple and affordable and 48" so no shadows, any thoughts. Thanks all
The Marineland one comes in a few versions. The non reef one should be fine. I use it over a 30g (standard - so shorter version)
Yeah I was thinking of the Marineland one, the one when you don't really need much light, should be a fine fixture, fairly inexpensive too because it's not terribly bright.