got ethical husbandry?

Great alternative to just a chaeto ball

now imagine throwing a piece of PVC through the center, and finding someway to have that mounted so it can rotate freely, just aim a power head at one side and you could get a paddle wheel/rotisserie chicken effect and light all sides :D
This seems like a neat way to make it easier to grow chaeto in a small space and the make it easier to trim/maintain.

I see dramatic (doubling in volume each month or so) growth just lighting chaeto in our refugium. Folks who don't see chaeto growth aren't providing enough light/flow, I'm not sure a structured lattice like this adds much. In terms of trimming, it's easy enough for me to physically pull out half of our chaeto mass once a month or so.
I dunno, every time I would try to reduce the size of my chaeto by "pulling half" I'd end up yanking 90% of it out and leaving all sorts of long strings of chaeto