
JBWave Jebao controller - review

I've got two WP10s on my 37g Oceanic. With a single WP10 on the stock controller I was able to get a weak left/right wave using a single WP10. In the interest of getting a stronger left/right wave I decided to purchase a JBWave controller for my pumps. Note, this is not the official Jebao controller, but a third party one made here in the US (

I'm starting this thread to pump my thoughts on the controller as I use it.

1. The build quality is reasonable, but you can definitely tell its not a mass produced consumer product.
2. The bluetooth version connects to your android or iphone using serial over bluetooth. So you literally connect using a bluetooth terminal program and use a text-based menu system. Makes me smile when I recall the text-based BBS days of yesteryear, but I digress.
3. The user interface is reasonably simple, and the available documentation nicely illustrates the different wave patterns and what they all do.

Here is my first attempt at getting a standing wave:
I wanted to get a left/right sweeping wave but could only get this style of wave. A little fast for my liking.
Thankfully, Joe, the guy who makes these is very responsive and has been emailing me to try and help me achieve the desired wave action.

I'll post more as I learn more!
Ha... ex BBS SYSOP here... I sure recall those days... 36 hour download only to have a phone picked up and ruining it.

I haven't heard of this unit yet, I'll go take a look at it. Thanks.
Ha... ex BBS SYSOP here... I sure recall those days... 36 hour download only to have a phone picked up and ruining it.

I haven't heard of this unit yet, I'll go take a look at it. Thanks.
Yup I'm an ex bbs sysop as well. Haha yup I remember downloading the original beta of QuickTime at 2400bps. Took hours, and then got killed best the end because I forgot to turn off call waiting.

at h
I still think I have windows 3.11 floppy discs which is when I finally left DOS and went to windows yet miss the fun DOS commands...;)
Ha... ex BBS SYSOP here... I sure recall those days... 36 hour download only to have a phone picked up and ruining it.

Flash backs to acoustic couplers. 300 baud on a real good day. We be stylin in geeksville over the phone lines!

Now I'm annoyed when pages don't load fast enough at 30+Mbps!

And now, back to our regularly scheduled program...

So what is everyone's opinion on the correct location for wave pumps in a tank? I have one on the right side 2/3 up centered front to back. The left is 1/2 way up in the front 1/3. I'm really not having luck getting a wave. With the stock controller I could get a weak wave with one pump. Perhaps if I want a strong wave I need a single larger pump?
My opinion is that waves are overrated :)

Seriously, I like the oscillation of flow but more in a random fashion such that it doesn't move everything back and forth.
My opinion is that waves are overrated :)

Seriously, I like the oscillation of flow but more in a random fashion such that it doesn't move everything back and forth.

I agree. I also have concerns about the stresses on a tank a big wave will generate. Once you get that water moving side to side there is lateral forces that tanks might not like.
I think what I liked most about the wave I had before is that it moved the entire water column. I've got my controller set to randomize the pumps, and although there is nice strong flow in most of the tank, I'm noticing areas where there is a distinct lack of water movement. I have never quite figured how prop pumps can move the entire water column well without dead spots.

In my 140g tank I used to have a 5000GPH closed loop running on a big 'ol Sequence pump. I had amazing circulation throughout the tank with nozzles poking out all over the place. When I had to rebuild the tank due to a CL leak I switched to two Tunze 6100 streams (still have 'em, wonder if that's overkill for a 37g :)) for primary circulation. They never did quite equate what I accomplished with a closed loop.