Cali Kid Corals

Open Brain Help


Supporting Member
Hey All,

I'm not sure if I have posted this problem here before, so I appologize in advance if this is a repeat. I have an open brain which used to open up and be ~8" accross. Then I moved it to a new tank. Since then it never really opens up during the day. It does however "puff" up at night, but not nearly as large as it was. It doesn't appear to be sick, dying or in any way affected by all of this. I.E. it doesn't have any exposed skeleton and there's always a little flesh protruding from the based. I've seen brains do this in LFS, but have yet to figure out why. I have tried different currents, different locations, on top of rocks, on the sand, nothing seems to bring this guy out. This has been going on for at least 4 months. The only suggestion I got that makes sense is perhaps it is feeding well at night and doesn't need to extend to grab more light during the day. Anjyone have experience with this? Thanks in advance.

brains tend to get pissed after being moved too much.

set it in the sand and let it sit without touching it for awhile.

feed it nightly.