High Tide Aquatics

Quaranteen and dipping recommendations - what do you do?


Past President
I'm pretty sure we've covered this a few times, but why not do it again? :)

I attended Franks talk a little while back, but do not really want to use a program as complicated as his.

With the RTY swap just finished up, I dipped all my frags in TMPCC for 15 mins at 1ml/200ml then moved all the frags to a quaranteen (5g bucket with water change water, heater, 25w PC, and small powerhead.

My plan was to leave the frags there for 2 weeks, then redip and add to my display.

Thoughts? What do you do? What is likely to survive this regimen?

Add a 12hr interceptor treatment too if you have acros.

Mine were povidone dipped, and moved into a 10 gallon tank with a heater, Aquaclear HOB, a few pieces of live rock, and some chaeto.

You might want to glue the frags to a piece of egg crate so they don't get get blown into each other.

Stuff might brown out under the PC light. I'd have some bio filtration in the bucket. Foam on the powerhead, a chunk of rock, some macroalgae.

If the acro frags are small and you can inspect for AEFW eggs, I think you can move them from the bucket after the interceptor redbug treatment.

Montis I would tend to isolate in quarantine for the 2 weeks in case of stray monti nudi eggs hatching. Or move to frag or display tank earlier if they can be mounted on something fairly isolated and easily removable from the tank. Inspect daily for nudis.
Here's my routine, use providone that Norman bottled since it apparently works better at the surface due to molecular discombobulation or what not that he taught me :) Make a nice dark tea color dip for 15 minutes, then off to my "frag grow out tank" where they sit for a day to see if they're going to RTN, or if they show any damaging etc. from the REALLY bad pests (AEFW, Montis). Now my frag growout tank serves two purposes, first what was just said, plus it also hopefullly keeps things localized so if there are any pests that survived the dip hopefully they'll stay localized and won't just jump into the water column.. now I know this isn't full proof by any means but at the very least they won't be crawling into my baserock immediately

In the future I hope to rig up the output of that grow out tank to go through some coffee filters, since from what I understand that actually has small enough holes to effectively filter most all pests, now is it full proof? not by any means. but it is an additional step.

Of course with your setup where you don't have a frag growout tank, this is kind of useless :)
Thanks for the help, guys. I added some Chaeto and a pice of rock.

What about the chalices? Are they known to carry any pests?

You still need interceptor if you use providone, right?

Interceptor kills red bugs, providone won't touch them AFAIK. Personally I'd not worrying about interceptor too much, treating for red bugs is a snap if you don't have a ton of shrimp or crabs and such.
Red bugs is easy with Interceptor - it nukes them dead.

I will be integrating fluke tabs with the povidone (not at the same time or mixture) when dealing with sps. I'm so not liking sps these days. >:(

Povidone as a general antiseptic, interceptor, and then fluke tabs. Fluke tabs melt the little flatworm bastards.