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safe wavelengths for corals?

UV strictly speaking, covers a wide range of wavelengths. In the trade, we actually extend this into the visible.
With DE bulbs, we add UV shielding, but what wavelengths are we shielding? The atmosphere effectively cuts off light around 300nm. Pyrex also happens to cut off at about 300nm and is thermally stable. Is this what is used?

What is considered safe for corals? >300nm? >350nm? >400nm? etc.
Usually it's just temperred run of the mill glass, not Pyrex. Google Dana Riddle + UV or Sanjay Joshi + UV, one of them should yield what you seek. I'm in Denver ATM otherwise I would open one of my books and give you what you seek :)
hmm..a little research (post in retrospect waste hasty lol) yields


Action spectrum for the inhibition of photosynthesis in the cyanobacterium Nodularia spumigena.