Neptune Aquatics

Site been slow lately?

pixelpixi said:
Our hosting provider made some changes recently to try and improve speed. What do you guys think? Has it been faster the past couple days?

It's as slow as it was before. 3-5 sec to open typically, sometime up to 10 seconds delays.
Do we have a dedicated server? If not I might have some spare parts to build one.
I just got mail bombed with about with about 30 thread subscription email notifications and all of the latest posts seem to be from mid June. Is the site running so slow things got plugged up?
The mail issues aren't related to the performance problems. We've been having trouble with emails not going out. I kicked it yesterday and it sent out all the emails that had queued up.
Sometimes it takes a kicking to make things work... when a hammer isn't handy :D
I have some extra avail bandwidth leftover that my websites do not use ... Lost some hosting customers last month :(

If you can get the site on a vmware image I am willing to host it for free om my vmware server and do backups for free. I Believe I have 3-4 static Ip's left from the 25 static I have ...
