
What brand is the most reliable for heater?

We have had great luck with ebo jager, but we've only been at this about 4 years. (We have owned 6 ebo jager heaters on various tanks in Boston and CA and only had one die -- the one that failed was bought used with a tank and we were told it was really old. It was certainly old enough to have their old color scheme (green))
I second the ebos. I've run a 300 watt model since 97 and just replaced it two months ago, with another ebo jager. Never tried Jebos, but I've seen their stuff and I can't say I'm impressed. I believe they're Oddysea now.
Ha. My first real post. I'm so excited!
I believe they're called Eheim Jager now =) I have three and they are all very consistent with their heat. The only thing is, the dial isn't entirely accurate, but sort of jiggle it around and compare to your lab grade thermometer to set it perfectly. It varies by 2 degrees from where you think you've set it, but set it correctly and it's perfect.

I find it's easiest to turn it all the way cold until you hit the right degree you want to set it at. If you go the other way around, it doesn't kick in very well. Also remember, the thermometer it has built in is slow, so moving it slowly before it turns off / on to set it makes sense.

Get the eheim jager!