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Help I.D. I'm new


Supporting Member
Hello I'm new to reefing and only had this tank up and running for about 2 months this coral I knowest has this growing out of it can you I.d. it for me please and what should I do to take care of it thanks
No not the coral but the brown stuff growing on it sorry for the crappy picture but is this hair algea? Or something else
The brown looks like algae plus small green bubble algae starting on the perimeter try using a turkey baster to blow or suck it off
The brown looks like algae plus small green bubble algae starting on the perimeter try using a turkey baster to blow or suck it off
Also since the tanks been only up 2 month it may be only the beginning of the ugly stage and alot more algae to come possibly. Clean up crew will be your best friend followed by signing up as a supporting member for alot more support. Welcome to the hobby!!
That might be dinoflagellates? Can you spot a string like extension of it or little bubbles forming in/from it?
The soft pink-ish coral, Does it open and close? If so, might be pom-pom xenia.