
A different kind of “tang police”

Coral reefer

Past President
I wish there was a tang police for this person who refuses to feed their fish enough. Makes me sick. So glad we have people who care about their animals here.
Poor thing has no stomach and looks to be at deaths door. So sad. I feel guilty even looking at it. Makes we want to call animal control. This is blatant abuse. No way would it fly with a dog or a cat…


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where is that?
Sadly at a client of mine that refuses to feed enough. I’ve been hounding them for literally years. Can’t lead a person (or is it supposed to be a horse?) to water, but you can’t force them to drink…
Took me a couple years to buy and install the autofeeder myself without their approval because it was absolutely needed. But they refuse to refill it when it runs out and only have me come once a month and often reschedule on me last minute so it goes even longer.
They told me they are feeding one cube of brine shrimp per day when the feeder runs out which is bullshit because I know they don’t check.
One cube!
I told them 4 per day and switch to mysis when the feeder is running. 4 twice per day when it’s not. People suck.
Short of adding a secret auto feeder in the return area, it at least might let the fish over eat a bunch over the day in a place only other long nosed fish can reach.
The avast plank can hold an epic butt load of food, and you can tell them it's a magic coral and fish feeder. Also can be mounted in the sump so they don't even need to see it.

Seems like a win for both of you. Charge them for the install and the food. They get a hidden feeder and don't need to put in cubes.
What’s their reason for sucking and being cruel to animals? Couldn’t tell you.
What’s their reason for even having a tank?
Couldn’t tell you…
It’s sad

That is sad. I don’t understand why people bother with pets if they don’t want to care for them. It’s the same thing with people who chain up their dogs in the backyard - like why get a dog?

Feeding fish is like my favorite part of the hobby! I have noticed though there are people in the hobby that aren’t really about the “pet” aspect of it, though, and don’t really see their fish in that light.
Sorry your dealing with this buddy
And to half to deal with this doom of a tank and client on the regular ,
It always gets to me when clients don’t realize the potential of fish, coral, plants, tanks, gardens ,, heck wherever they got,
When you add fish and critters, it get to the cruel level real quick ,
real sucky predicament when it’s ‘part of the job’ or clients give no fucks,
Any other fish in the tank?
More auto feeders??