
Acronym translation dictionary- Post your favorite, commonly used, or obscure Acronyms here. :)


OK, that does it...I just saw another acronym that I have no clue as to what it means. Really brings down the quality of reading for me. :p

Please post the acronyms you know are used in BAR lingo. Don't need to do all, since that would take all day for you proficient acronym users, just a few of your favorites, or the ones you use a lot. I need an Acronym Translation Dictionary. :D

I'll start:
GSP Green Star Polyps
TTYL Talk to you later
ROFL Roll on floor laughing

I know more, but can't think of them now. See how illiterate I am when it comes to acronyms?!
Thanks Bryan (and of course Levi)! I printed it out. :) It will make reading the boards much easier. :)

Tony, I'm not even going to ask what that stands for. ;)
TTIUWP - "This thread is useless without pictures" - used a lot on the threads when the main article headline is something like "it's bikini season again" or something like that.

NTTAWWT - "Not that there's anything wrong with that" - Seinfield reference!

IMO - In My Opinion
IMHO - In My Humble Opinion
IDK My BFF Jill? - "I don't know, my best fried forever Jill?" - stupid cell phone commercial :p

OMG - Oh My God
OMFSM - Oh My Flying Spaghetti Monster
WTF/WTH - What the F! What the H-E-double hockeysticks
kthxbye - Kay (Okay), Thanks, bye!

Stupid l33t sp33k; (Stupid Elite Speak) - gamer talk
n00b - Newbie
pwned - "owned"

Bah, this list can go on forever! I'll just stop now.

V - Vince