Neptune Aquatics

Ah, there's nothing like washing your kitchen floor with gallons of fresh RO water!

It's happened so many times that I created a rule which states "I will only fill my top-off reservoir in the sink!" and yet yesterday I started filling the container on the kitchen floor, then went shopping for groceries and when I came home, I was playing an online game with my brother for TWO HOURS. Then my wife calls to say she's coming home with the kids from Great America...can I make some dinner? So I go upstairs and sure enough...the Great RO Ocean was waiting for me.


Well, at least I know that those "Miracle Chamois" that they sell on TV actually work (amazingly) for sopping up water. And the kitchen floor is nice and clean, although the basement walls aren't quire so happy. Sigh...

You're going to be saying *wow* every time!!

It's funny how that "just this one time I'll do it this way" seems to bite the ass real hard. The question remains though, did you get it all cleaned up before the boss came home?
it only took me 5 floods to get add a float valve added to the 5-gallon bucket. The worst was a 8 hour overflow. I tried everything from leaving-the-lights-ON to sticky notes at the door. But no, it doesn't work. Sigh. I wish someone had told me earlier that "no one should get a RO/DI without a float valve + ASOV".

Ever since float valve was installed, life is so so much better!
My own laziness thwarted me. Usually the bucket or jug sits in the sink where I might waste RO, but I won't flood. But yesterday there were like 5 dishes in the sink and I was too lazy to wash/move them to put my jug in there. Bah! I should use the timer though, we use it to gauge when the bathtub might be full for the kids bath, (3 minutes = good water level in the tub).

Brutally, I had just installed a 6.5g bladder tank, so I was gauranteed about 6 gallons of reserve water, which is easily more than my 5g jug can hold.

Been there too many times. Just did it again the other night, stuck the RODI into a 5 gallon jug, set a timer on the phone.

Then got the call from the missus and she said our daughter wants to go out to sushi restaurant. OK so I run outside and they pick me up.

Timer went off during dinner. Doh! Not much you can do at that stage except pour another glass of sake and enjoy dinner.