Reef nutrition

Anyone have an ATB 1080, if so...

screebo said:
Hey Mark,
So, A Bubbleking 1080. Must be the new model and about 1500 clams! Did you purchase it from Aquarium Specialties? That's where I bought my Photon Plus light fixture. Nice work!

Bubbleking = RE
Thread = ATB
No sweat, I purposefully offer information that is only slightly off to tap Greshams corrective instincts! He's right 99.9% of the time and I don't mind being busted! :bigsmile: So who mentioned Bubble King? LOL 0:)
Even Tiger Woods says, "I was miss-quoted" :bigsmile:
Gresham has a wealth of accurate, detailed and scientific information and besides all that is a good man! I'm glad we have "at least" one resident watch dog looking for and correcting erroneous information. I'm very easy going and don't take it personally. For the record, though, I'm accurate about 88% of the time with information and recollection. Working on 99%. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it! :| Now, where was I........................