High Tide Aquatics

Anyone here ever deal with black bugs?


Supporting Member
Since dealing with montipora eating nudis last year, I've been dipping my corals in revive but yet somehow ended up getting black bugs in my display. If you don't know what they are, here is a good thread on them: https://www.reef2reef.com/threads/black-bugs-an-acro-keepers-worst-nightmare.493329/

Aside from scanning with a flashlight every night and dipping corals, I finally got my hands on some interceptor and dosed at 4x last night. Unfortunately, looks like these bastards are still alive and kicking as I see them moving about in the sump.

I'm debating about restarting my 150g to be rid of these black bugs but before I did, I wanted to see if anyone has dealt with them before and if so, were they successful?