Neptune Aquatics

Beautiful long tentacle purple tip Anemone


Supporting Member
I’ve had this anemone since 2004, and I’m hopeful it can go to a larger (mine is 40g) tank in a restaurant, public aquarium, or display tank in a pet store.

In almost 18 years, it’s never split, and it usually goes for many years in the same place, it’s been attached to the same place on the same rock for 7-8 years now. It doesn’t need anythIng special, it feeds from the water column, it’s never killed a fish, it’s safe, but it takes up too much coral space in my Reefer 170.



when we had the BAR get together at Bowl of Pho, I heard that maybe @H2OPlayar knows a restaurant, so I’m tagging him. If you know anyone who’d like a beautiful Anemone please feel free to tag them.

it’s getting too close to my Walt Disney, so I’ve reached the point where I must do something. It’s not a DBTC rule that covers it, I just felt it should go to a member with experience.
Ok. Is there any day of the week that doesn’t work for you or them, like they are closed or something?

I think I’ll need to wait until the Anemone is shrunken down to try to move it. It gets as small as your thumb, and as big as a basketball (slmost) when really happy in the tank. I’ve never removed it from the rock it’s on, so any tips will be appreciated. When I can get it off the rock, I can bag it and reach out to you, let you know it’s ready. What do you think? We can shoot for this weekend if the anemone cooperates.
Ok. Is there any day of the week that doesn’t work for you or them, like they are closed or something?

I think I’ll need to wait until the Anemone is shrunken down to try to move it. It gets as small as your thumb, and as big as a basketball (slmost) when really happy in the tank. I’ve never removed it from the rock it’s on, so any tips will be appreciated. When I can get it off the rock, I can bag it and reach out to you, let you know it’s ready. What do you think? We can shoot for this weekend if the anemone cooperates.
All sounds good!
If I’m not mistaken
It appears to be a Condylactis species for the Caribbean
You definitely don’t see many of these in our reef tanks
And don’t see many that have been fortunate to be kept by a competent reefer.
Thanks for the compliment! There’s a good bit of being too lazy to change much, and luck, that it’s lived so long.

yeah, seems like I used to see these ‘Atlantic’ Anemones in stores, but not in the last decade