got ethical husbandry?

BRS 5 Stage Chloramines Upgrade Kit

How is this different than a regular RODI system? Does this just add the ability to remove Chloramines on top of a normal RODI system?
If you are sure that your water has chloramines in it then that would be the way to go when it's time to change the filters. If you don't have chloramines then you don't really need it.

I started out with a 4 stage Kent RO unit that I picked up used. Because we have chloramines in Oakley I picked up a BRS DI Resin add-on kit along with the filter replacement kit above to turn it into a 5 stage RO. I found that I was burning through the DI resin very fast. Turns out that any chloramines that make it through the GAC and the ChlorPlus block will eat up your DI resin too. Knowing that chloramines can damage the RO membrane I added on another stage to the unit and run two GAC canisters followed by the ChlorPlus block. The extended contact time with the GAC seems to have done the trick. It extended the life of my DI resin and apparently it will also extend the life of the ChlorPlus block since it doesn't have as much work to do.

+1 to what Charlie said. Using GAC to break down the chloramine extends the life of the post-GAC filters and reduces maintenance time and cost. Very important for the lazy reefer! :bigsmile:
Hmmm, I have been going through DI resin fast, and we have Chloramines as well.
I did not know that might be related.
I have also been rather lax in remembering to replace the DI resin. I wonder if
Chloramines have been getting into my tank.

Perhaps it is time to add a couple of pre-filter stages.
Those 20 inch versions are interesting. It should reduce flow rate through media.

I like the "reduce maintenance" concept.
Even if your post RO/DI TDS is reading 0 ppm, there may still be chloramines in the product water.

This got my knickers up in a bunch and makes me want to get a chlorine test kit. :p Come to think of it I'm due to replace my RO/DI filters.