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Can anyone ID this SPS please?

Thales said:
I do have it. Its good for genus. IDing down to species for acros is a huge butt pain and may not even be possible without serious analysis. There is also the genetic work being done that may well make us really rethink the idea of species.


GreshamH said:
....Not only that but genetically many corals labels as different species, and even genus, are being found to be the same now. A deep water Anacopora was recently found to really be an Acropora simply living so deep it found a way to adapt.

Thales said:
Kindle edition 80 bucks, hard cover 200


Since it's pretty much all black and white the Kindle version sounds great :)

Mine hard copy flew itself in from England.
GreshamH said:
Thales said:
Kindle edition 80 bucks, hard cover 200


Since it's pretty much all black and white the Kindle version sounds great :)

Mine hard copy flew itself in from England.

And boy are its arms tired ........ rimshot