
Can not keep monti caps, what could be the cause?

I have tried three & killed them all, same symptom: doing OK for awhile, then color becomes dull, little PE, then start to STN...

Definitely no nudis.

Strange enough encrusting & plating monti doing OK, only caps have the problem.

All other SPS and LPS doing Ok.

I did have mistake on temp setting, in winter I use to keep low temp at 69, 70. But I could not recall if they all went downhill in winter.

From time to time I have low nutrient issue, coral appear to be somehow light color.

What else could be the reason, is monti-cap sensitive to certain elements?
Whoa............that sure sounds way too cold in my opinion. I'd never let the daily temp dip below 73 deg. F. I keep mine at 78 deg F but no lower than 75 "no matter what".
It is kind of strange all my montis (encrusting, plating) are fine except monti caps.

Low temp is certainly my problem, all other SPS just stopped growth but monti caps are goner.

Will eventually try another one after my upgrade.
Now I can keep ALK pretty stable at 7.5 to 8. Before I had trend of ALK SLOW shifting up from 8 to 9 even 10 after summer past, because temp going down & coral grow slower and consume less 2 part additive.

Lesson learned. Don't save on necessary heating cost.