
Can you transfer copepod from one tank to another?

I really gotta quit succumbing to these impulse buys at the lfs ;)

I picked up two male Psychedelic Manderins from the fish store last night. One for the 120g (yes, it has plenty of pods galore), and I picked up for my 58g. Here is my dilemma - the 58g has pods but not a ton. The live rock came from this same tank before I broke it down, and rock that had been sitting in my 120g's sump as well. The chaeto in the 58g is originally from Mike's tank which then sat in my 120g display tank and sump. :-

Okay, way too much information ;D

Now on to the question. I (who have way too many tanks) have a seven gallon minibow at work. It has no fish, cyano, aipstasia, no water changes, and just gets top-offed every other day - the zoos grow crazy in this neglected tank. There are a ton of copepods in this little tank - they are all over the glass all the time.

How can I transfer some of them to my 58g?
Some copepods, most mysids and amphripods, can get caught up in certain sponges, I'd watch using that as a blanket statement ;)

Why not simply syphon the water out and capture them that way?
Cyano and aipstasia heaven. Other than that softies are doing great I call it my virtually indestructible nano.

I'll try the chaeto method.
Put chaeto in a small ziplock bag, opened wide.
Make sure opening touches some rock.
Take it out of water in the morning. Do it fast.