
CAS (Steinhart) donations thanks thread


Past President
A big thanks to everyone who has donated to CAS so far. It is incredibly appreciated!

I figured a thread thanking and listing the people who donated and what they donated would be a good idea. If you brought stuff in previously, feel free to add to this thread (and thanks again)

Jeremy brought some pieces in last thursday - a large ORA Indo Stag Colony
Acro abrolhosensis
Acro nana
nessbuilder said:
How do you go about donating?

Great question! You can email me (or Matt) at, let us know what you are offering, and we'll let you know if we can accept it and arrange a time from drop off.


EDIT - all donations now need to go through this page
Simple form - thanks!
Damn, and here I thought you were asking for more donations! :D

Lets see I brought you a bucket o stuff at the frag swap, trying to remember what was in it... a ball o green eye favia(ite?), rock o' acan (sub?)echinata, big ass leather w/ nasty ugly palythoas (sorry about that one actually :D), ball o birdsnest, think I tossed in a tort and a slimer in there because I didn't feel like fragging them for the swap... *shrug*
yardartist said:
So we should stop tossing them in from above?
Sooo ... I have wondered if this happens, I have a super aggressive Red Devil who I thought would be really happy in the amazon =)
Any funny stories? The only one I have was when I was helping out there under construction, there was a sign in the planters on the third floor of the rain forest. It read "Please do not urinate in the planters! It is not healthy for the specimens." I think the only bathrooms were in the basement, too far a walk for those poor overheated union guys =)