
DBTC Superman Rhodactis

This is my first offer to the DBTC. I have a two small heads of superman rhodactis mushrooms.

Pickup is in milpitas and normal rules apply.
I love mushrooms, but I might have this one. Do you have a picture? If anyone else want's it, go ahead and give them first priority. :)
Yes, that is nice, and it is different than the one I have...more red, prettier. I would love to have it (and share), but if anyone else requests, give them first dibs. :)
Old pic.

jussmeac said:
Sorry, Lyn picked up the rock with two small heads on it.

Thanks Lyn for the cookies!! they were delicious!

You are welcome. :)

I can frag off the other mushroom for Orion. Let me know!