Cali Kid Corals

Do we have ice gel glue for sale at coming BAR meeting?

After trying different glues, I think I still like the ice gel the most. Wondering if the meeting will have some for sale like before. Thanks.
Same place as always - June 9th (tommorrow) at ASAP in Hayward. Just read the meeting notice. No you can renew your membership when you want, but if we do members only stuff, you can't participate.
A lot of people don't renew theirs until there is a swap or "free" coral workshop. I renew mine as soon as it runs out.
It actually is not that bad. Most people joint BAR right before their first swap meeting (I did :)). Since every year the swap happens more or less at the same time, the renewal has to happen in very timely way. I actually use swap meeting as a reminder for me to renew my membership :D.