got ethical husbandry?

Flame Angel Likes Fish Poop

The flame angel follows the anthias around and eats their poop as it comes out. Other than that it eats regular food as the anthias are fed 4 to 5 times a day. It looks good and fat and displays normal swimming and behavior. Need I concern myself?

Not a problem at all, as schools of tangs cruise the reefs the localized fish go nuts waiting for them to poop so they can grab a tasty snack.
I have a blenny that purposefully swims to one spot in the tank, right over a concave plate coral, to poop. If I don't turkey baste it off a huge pile collects on the plate coral. I need to buy him an outhouse.
Hog growing research has shown that hogs fed corn grow slower than the hogs fed the poop of corn fed hogs. It much break down to more usable parts with double ingestion. Or more is available at second ingestion.

Anyway chickens and hogs will eat anything. Goats get a bad rap IMO.
Cool. Sounds like it's normal. I was worried that it was missing something in its diet. Like dogs eat poop when their diet is not optimal.
